'Tis the season to shop for shoes. Both feet jumped in and took me to hell and back. Four hours on my already funky feet scored one pair of shoes, and they are not so pretty. Essentially, they are fancy Birkenstocks. An oxymoron at best.
After five shoe stores (and one was warehouse style), trying on dozens of fashionable, yet comfy shoes, which were not comfy on my feet, I'm horrified that the end result was Birkies-style with velvet toes!
Meanwhile Sgt. Jer emailed and clarified his Persian desert transportation. It is a humvee. Rats. He did note that he is not in the fray of the Iraqi squabbles and bombings.
I'm second to officially report that Chef Dakota leaves Jer-ne tomorrow. Jeff Klein of Sunset Tower Hotel http://www.sunsettowerhotel.com/
in West Hollywood has named Dakota as his executive chef for his Terrace Restaurant and Tower Bar. At http://www.fashionweekdaily.com/fashion/fullstory.sps?iNewsID=349565&itype=8487 the mood and feel of the newly opened Terrace Restaurant is chronicled.
While all this business was going on, LA.com broke the news when they pegged Dakota as the #2 Hot Restaurant Personality, 2006. (Ben Ford, son of actor Harrison, took the #1 hot spot.) http://www.la.com/dining/guideme/hotrestaurantpersonalities2006/48153
Soon, I will tell you how I traded in an old friend for a shiny new one.
The Annual New Mexico Christmas Debate
Call this Christmas Eve tradition what you will, the purpose of the
path-lined faralitos/luminarias is to light the way for the Holy Family.
The faralitos ...
3 years ago
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