A wonderful group of 50-somethings have worked hard to make the upcoming Alemany Class of 1966 40-year reunion special. They have put up a blog site http://alemany66.blogspot.com/and a web site of photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/alemany66/page5/. The cyber reconnection has brought us all up to date to the loss of classmates, the triumphs of those still here, the families and the adventures.
When I reach my pinnacle of patience at work, I flip over to these pages for ever-changing entertainment. One theme runs through the photo page: Bob. Big Boy Bob! He's driving cars, he's eyeballing women, he's standing alone. Bob is baaaack.
What's my take? Forgeta'bout the steak and chicken banquet. Give us Bob's Big Boy double decker cheeseburger on a sesame bun, a side of onion rings and a chocolate shake. Whaddya think? www.laokay.com/BobsBigBoy.htm.
The Annual New Mexico Christmas Debate
Call this Christmas Eve tradition what you will, the purpose of the
path-lined faralitos/luminarias is to light the way for the Holy Family.
The faralitos ...
3 years ago
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