Sunday, July 02, 2006

No Fireworks. Just a House to Build.

I like to reflect on life's course. However, the only reflections in my recent life are brief moments in front of the mirror as I slam some make-up on my mug.

How July 4, 2006 could possibly be sporting its red, white and blue self in just a few days is beyond me. And, well, that's the challenge. The summer benchmark will announce itself in bright explosions against the night sky.

Maybe next year my family and I will spend the holiday at the beach. But this year Dakota might see some fireworks from Jer-ne's kitchen door, and the only fireworks Ocean will view will be sparks off a drill bit or misplaced hammer and nail strike. Ocean and her husband, Randy, HAVE to finish the house they are building in less than 2 weeks. Does this photo that I took yesterday look like they'll make it?

Fortunately, friends and family are doing whatever work we can to get this place to pass a Certificate of Occupancy inspection before the construction loan ends.

I may not blog much for the next few weeks. Daughter and son-in-law have a deadline to beat. I have casseroles to make and bags of rags to swipe against new windows, cupboards and ledges.

Friends pitch in and clean construction goo off new windows.

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