Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Wild Hare of July

The wild hare of July has taken residence in my garden.

Daughter Ocean and her hubby completed their house building project within the deadline. Mom's cleaning services AKA me, has been busy removing the endless construction dust and goo from corners, cabinets etc.

Meanwhile Israel and Hezbollah are trading war strikes. (If Hezbollah is God's army, then I am skinny.)

Ocean and I bought books about Japan and Tokyo. We're talking about a trip with the chef-daughter, Dakota, who would guest chef at L'osier.

I remain confused about the compassion of the far right attack machine. Just opened up a vitriolic e-mail spewing more hate toward two peacemakers: Sheehan and Jackson. It's like asking for peace and reasonable answers is a bad thing.

Even with July's apparent madness, spouse and I have set up our new business. Visit http://www.RiptideAlchemy.com and find out about making swimming pools really chlorine-free.

And will the heat never end?
The photo? Yes, it is a wild hare in my garden!

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