Hallelujah. I'm a free of all heterosexual constraints. After three weeks of intensive counseling, I no longer desire to dress for my man or cook pot roasts and other man-foods. In just three weeks I discovered that I don't have to watch the Super Bowl, drink beer with my man, or wear flirtatious man-stimulating lingerie on Valentine's Day. In just three weeks I have become completely homosexual.
My hetero-mate has agreed to a sex change. So now, the bulky brown leather sofa is history and we're shopping for something in lavender tones. Imagine, all this in just three weeks!
No longer will I be a disgrace among my homosexual friends. I think we'll move to another town like Miami, New York or San Francisco. Oh, wait, I've been heterosexual for too long and forgot that Santa Fe is gay-friendly. Maybe we'll stay here after all.
Okay, I'm just kidding. Is Ted Haggard kidding?
The Annual New Mexico Christmas Debate
Call this Christmas Eve tradition what you will, the purpose of the
path-lined faralitos/luminarias is to light the way for the Holy Family.
The faralitos ...
3 years ago
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