Little did I know that posting Frank Bonaccorso’s stork photo would raise the ire of the California-based contingency of storkish bird lovers and photographers.
As a California Girl I read both of the following arguments with an opened mind. Somewhat edited, they go like this:
From California based Bob Johnson, a fine photographer and attorney, my first email reads:
Don't let that ugly, goitered creature from Africa delay the arrival of your new little grandchild. I have dispatched a more comely animal from the restoring wetlands of Playa del Rey for "stork" duty. See attached snowy egret now winging its way to New Mexico.
Grampa Bob
A cyber-speed reply from Dr. Frank flashed on screen
FYI: Check out Frank’s book at: http://www.amazon.ca/Bats-Papua-Guinea-Frank-Bonaccorso/dp/1881173267/
Here are a few reasons not to let that egret deliver the baby:
1) Ocean and the new baby deserve a proper stork
2) That egret is roosting on a rusty old rail fence and probably has gotten tetanus not to mention cholera and dysentery from that scummy pond in the back-ground
3) True delivery storks only drink bottled-water.
4) Storks are good for the long haul, egrets stop off at every center of delinquency known to the modern world and the baby probably would be late.
5) Ocean and new baby deserve only the best -- so I am upping the ante with the psychedelic super stork, also known as the Saddle-bill Stork. As a child of the 60's...I know you can relate to the colorful red/black/yellow of the Saddlebill.
Dr. Frank

Oh dear! Such the dilemma. I forwarded the emails to the pregnant one. She replied with something like, “Didn’t know there were so many delivery options. However, I’m having a chat with the child inside and told him that he cannot arrive before the new Harry Potter book is released because I won’t have time to read it once baby is in my arms, he also needs several more pounds, and his aunt chef-Dakota has made her flight reservations for the designated due date. But the way I’m feeling right now: Stork? Egret? Just make sure the bird is not too early and right on target.”
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